Chemical/Environmental Sensitivities: Supporting the Body’s Natural Healing Response with CST using BioPhoton Technology.

Chemical/Environmental Sensitivities: Supporting the Body’s Natural Healing Response with CST using BioPhoton Technology. 1200 800 Mary Yeager

I first began using this combination of modalities for patients suffering with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder). However, I quickly recognized that ANYONE can tremendously benefit from this approach to supporting the body’s nervous system! The world that we live in is filled with stressors that we cannot “see” with the natural eye. Just to name a few; QUATS, formaldehyde, glyphosate, pesticides, insecticides, medications, foods, and fragrances. Our repeated exposure over time to these toxins can effect our bodies ability to heal and repair tissue.

Your body was made to heal when its internal environment is working optimally. Chemical toxins and environmental stressors challenge the body’s internal environment and our bodies can become sympathetic (fight or flight) dominant. Increased time spent in this sympathetic dominant state depletes the immune system and overall decreases the natural ability of the body to heal and repair tissue. People may experience varying symptoms, ranging from physical ailments to emotional and cognitive challenges. Our goal is to support your nervous system using CranioSacral Therapy with BioPhoton Technology. These modalities aid in the support of your nervous system in the face of these physical stressors allowing your parasympathetic nervous system to stay supported and allowing your body’s healing process to remain optimal in the face of these toxic stressors.  Remember, your body only heals and repairs tissue when it is in a parasympathetic state (rest and digest)!

Holistic Treatment for Sinus Pain & Pressure

Holistic Treatment for Sinus Pain & Pressure 940 788 Mary Yeager
The extreme fluctuating temperatures of Michigan along with allergy season starting about 2 months early this year has caused many people to suffer from the effects of increased sinus pain and pressure, more commonly known as Sinusitis. According to the American Rhinologic Society (RNS), more than 30 million people are diagnosed with sinusitis each year.  Chronic sinusitis effects about 15% of the US population, making it one of the most common chronic illnesses in America. read more

Post-Concussion Syndrome…There is Hope

Post-Concussion Syndrome…There is Hope 1200 816 Mary Yeager

As an adolescent who was extremely involved in sports, a mom of 3 kids who all play sports, and a Physical Therapist; I have seen how concussions can adversely impact a person’s life.  Some common symptoms of a concussion can include: headaches/migraines, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to sound and light.  Individuals can also be effected emotionally because they can no longer handle the day to day activities of school, work, or a social life.  Even things like using a cell phone and computer can become challenging.  It can create a sense of hopelessness and frustration for the person suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome.

Lately we have heard a lot about concussions in the media surrounding the NFL.  Why?  Because now we are seeing the long-term effects on retired players of multiple concussions manifesting in early onset dementia, forgetfulness, constant headaches/migraines, depression, and emotional issues. read more

Could Your Stress Be Preventing Your Healing?

Could Your Stress Be Preventing Your Healing? 1200 900 Mary Yeager

Sympathetic Dominance:  When your body is in a state of “fight or flight” (Sympathetic) more often than “peace and repair” (Parasympathetic).

There was a season in my life where I was working as a Physical Therapist in an extremely stressful environment.  Although the stress was emotional, it manifested itself in physical symptoms.  For example:  headaches, low back pain, ganglion cyst, referred pain, decreased patience, weight gain, and anxiety.   Pile on being a wife and raising three children and I could have been the poster child for Sympathetic Dominance.

When working optimally, your Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems should work together effortlessly in order to maintain an internal balance.  Because we live in an insanely fast paced world that makes us believe we have to be “on the go” at all times, a high percentage of people live in Sympathetic dominance. read more

CranioSacral Therapy: My “WHY”

CranioSacral Therapy: My “WHY” 1200 898 Mary Yeager

Hello and welcome. My name is Mary Yeager and I have been a physical therapist for over 20 years, primarily in the out-patient orthopedic setting. When I first started out in physical therapy, I could see patients until they got better. Co-pays, authorizations, and Medicare caps were non-existant. Life was good and paperwork was minimal!

As we all know healthcare and insurance options have drastically changed over the past 10-15 years. These changes have provided less choices for the patient and more hoops to jump through for the practitioner. Working so many years in healthcare, I began to get frustrated, feeling like it was becoming less about the patient and their well- being and more about how many patients I could see in one day, i.e. money. To be honest, it became like an assembly line getting patients in and out. I chose a career in physical therapy because I wanted to help people regain their optimal quality of life. I questioned the way healthcare was continuing to trend, was this a realistic goal? I became burned out and seriously thought about leaving the field all together, but. . . read more