post-concussion syndrome

Post-Concussion Syndrome…There is Hope

Post-Concussion Syndrome…There is Hope 1200 816 Mary Yeager

As an adolescent who was extremely involved in sports, a mom of 3 kids who all play sports, and a Physical Therapist; I have seen how concussions can adversely impact a person’s life.  Some common symptoms of a concussion can include: headaches/migraines, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to sound and light.  Individuals can also be effected emotionally because they can no longer handle the day to day activities of school, work, or a social life.  Even things like using a cell phone and computer can become challenging.  It can create a sense of hopelessness and frustration for the person suffering from Post-Concussion Syndrome.

Lately we have heard a lot about concussions in the media surrounding the NFL.  Why?  Because now we are seeing the long-term effects on retired players of multiple concussions manifesting in early onset dementia, forgetfulness, constant headaches/migraines, depression, and emotional issues. read more